Book Recommendation: Family, Tradition & Romance: The Messina Hof Story

Filled with family history, lessons learned and the highs and lows of the big and small moments of life, Family, Tradition & Romance: The Messina Hof Story entertains with fun facts and even funnier stories. Chapters provide an engaging look into the Bonarrigo family past, present and future and the history of Messina Hof from the ground (with mobile home) up to the multi-location business. The book shines a light on the interplay of agriculture, legal (local, state, federal and international) and internal systems at work in the winemaking industry and how each year can look wildly different from the next. Set with a tone of optimism and can-do attitude, grab a glass of their award-winning wine and enjoy this inspiring and relaxing read!

Cheers, and Happy Reading!


Docuseries Recommendation: Texas Winemakers


Film Recommendation: Our Blood is Wine