Book Recommendation: Wine. all the time.

Wine. all the time.

Unpretentious and uncomplicated, Marissa A. Ross successfully breaks down the basics of wine making, tasting and, most importantly, enjoying. Filled with first-hand accounts of wine wins and woes, the book inspires confidence in moving from a wine newbie to one with more knowledge, respect and appreciation under their belt. The glossary at the front provides a quick reference guide while the chapters are light, informative and easy to read. See yourself (maybe all too clearly) in the anecdotes along the road of Wine 101 education. To quote Ross, “Wine is an acquired knowledge. Each glass is a lesson, whether it comes from a bottle from a gas station or a fancy cellar. No matter what you’re drinking, you’re learning. All it takes is you wanting it – and considering you’re here, I know you do.”

Cheers, and Happy Reading!


Taste of My Glass - September 2022


Book Recommendation: Wine for Normal People